Add a person

Tap the '+' button in the bottom right of the face detection page to add a new person to the list:

tap adduser
  1. Enter a name for the person to be added

  2. Enter a description / role for the person

  3. Select a photo to be used for a person(1)

(1): Only one image is allowed per person.

Both the name and description are required.

Select image

There are various sources to select the image from:

addperson source
  1. Tap the option 'Select Photo on device' to use an image stored on the connected device.

  2. Tap the option 'Take a new photo' to use a photo taken from the device running ZBOS Control (e.g. tablet).

  3. Tap the option 'Select photo on device' to use a photo stored on the device running ZBOS Control (e.g. tablet).

  4. Do not select anything to have the connected device (e.g. James) take a photo at the time of entering the information and using that image to recognize the person.

It is highly recommended to use a photo taken by the connected device (e.g. James) so the angle and lighting are consistent.